
João Bénard da Costa (1935-2009)

É assim...

Play the guitar, play it again, my Johnny
Maybe you're cold, but you're so warm inside
I was always a fool for my Johnny
For the one they call Johnny Guitar

Play it again, Johnny Guitar

Whether you go, whether you stay, I love you
What if you're cruel, you can be kind I know
There was never a man like my Johnny
Like the one they call Johnny Guitar

(Victor Young / Peggy Lee, 1954)

E assim...

Joan Crawford e Sterling Hayden numa das mais belas cenas do filme de Nicolas Ray (1954)

O "cinefils" João Bénard da Costa morreu. O filme da vida de Bénard: Johnny Guitar, de Nicholas Ray. Num inquérito de jornal em que lhe pediam para dizer qual o seu filme preferido, Bénard respondia: Johnny Guitar, de Nicholas Ray; porque era ele; porque era eu.

[Mas havia tantos filmes na sua vida...]

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